
Pulse Oximeter – Powerpharm




The Finger Pulse Oximeter is a very important monitoring device that monitors the level of blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate.

Uses pulse reflection technology and measures accurately and reliably, displaying the results on the illuminated screen of the device.

It is a small , easy-to-use , reliable and durable diagnostic medical device that significantly improves everyday care of all people who either need home care or first aid. Used in clinics, hospitals, social medical organizations, for first aid etc


By placing the pointer on the “peg”, the sensor, controls in a few seconds the oxygen saturation of our blood, shedding light on two wavelengths, red and infrared, while the screen also shows the heart rate.


As easy and simple as it is to use, it is just as necessary.


  • Accuracy of measurements and results
  • Reliability
  • High quality self-test diagnostic device
  • Oxygen saturation measurement range 70-99%
  • Heart Rate Measurement Range: 30-235BPM
  • Has a CE certificate with CE REPRESENTATIVE in the European Union
  • It is FDA certified
  • Very Light – Easy to use
  • LED readable display
  • Automatically turn off the device -10 seconds after measuring and removing the finger
  • Low battery life, more than 20 hours of operation (included in the package)
  • Special cord provided free of charge
  • For everyone: children to adults and the elderly.


Due to its simplicity and speed, the Powerpharm oximeter is useful for patients with:

  • Respiratory or heart problems for smokers, people with bronchial asthma, or for diagnosing certain sleep disorders, such as apnea.
  • It is very useful for pilots, flight attendants. climbers and athletes whose oxygen levels can be reduced at high altitudes or with exercise.
  • For people who have frequent or intermittent tachycardia, shortness of breath, confusion, drowsiness, cyanosis, etc.

An easy way to avoid problems is to measure the oxygen in our blood regularly, especially when our conditions and daily life require it.


The normal value, unless other factors affecting the curve, is 95-98% – below 95% we have hypoxemia and below 90% respiratory failure.

Oximetry is useful:

In the recognition of hypoxemia in patients with asthma, COPD, pneumonia or heart disease. Studies have shown that patients with asthma who have a hemoglobin saturation of ≥95% rarely need treatment. It is also useful in case of suppression, fracture reduction, gastroscopy, etc.

The average human body endures without food for up to 4 weeks, without water for 10 days, but without oxygen, only 2 to 5 minutes ..

Lack of oxygen in the blood can cause:

  • Circulatory disorders . Tachycardia and increased AP. If there is cardiovascular instability, bradycardia and hypotension may occur. In severe hypoxemia, hypotension and ventricular fibrillation are expected
  • Respiratory disorders . Shortness of breath, hard work and hyperpnea. In severe hypoxemia sometimes apnea
  • Organ perfusion disorders . Vascular contraction of the vessels of the lung (pulmonary hypertension), skin (pallor), muscles and peritoneal cavity. Vascular dilatation and increased perfusion of the coronary arteries and brain
  • Anxiety, confusion, orientation and crisis disorders, drowsiness
  • Cyanosis (provided there is no anemia or CO intoxication), damp or cold skin


& nbsp;

Follow the instructions of EODY.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


Power Pharm

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